More information on car gps navigation systems
Get a software program that allows you to print customized maps, showing your waypoints, previous trails you have taken, etc. CD-based map sets like National Geographic TOPO! are great for this.
Get a great new GPS tracking system
People usually perceive that they need lots of sea knowledge in order to operate a marine GPS. However this is not the case. Just like any other GPS system, all you need to do is to read the manual and understand the signals that are shown on the GPS device. Thereafter, you can program the marine GPS device according to the requirements of your journey on the high seas. Whether you use a marine GPS on land or at sea, they provide user friendly interfaces that makes them easy for everyone to operate.
Write Here, Write Now: And you thought you were overloaded with information now, just wait. Hewlett Packard is working on a technology to let folks print messages in mid-air based on their location incorporating GPS technology. I find this stuff fascinating, even if no one seems to have thought of a good use for it yet. The first sentence of the article is right, though: "The kids are going to love this." in New Scientist via RCPL's Liblog]
When the ALA summer conference was in San Francisco in 1997, the SF Museum of Modern Art had a fascinating exhibit called Icons: Magnets of Meaning. I spent hours browsing through it, but one of the pieces that has always stuck in my mind was called @: Marking the Electrosphere . It talked about the meaning of that one little symbol. How it can define, place, and root you in the world, but at the same time let you be found anywhere. Integrated, widespread use of GPS is going to take this to a whole new level.
gps navigation systems
pharos gps
magellan roadmate gps
Labels: garmin gps bluetooth