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Friday, June 20, 2008

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GPS: How Does It Work?

By Steven Johnston

The Global Positioning System is a satellite-based navigation system put into place by the U.S. Department of Defense and is a network made up of 24 satellites in orbit around the earth. The satellites orbit the earth at about 12,000 miles, are solar powered, they transmit a signal of only 50 watts, and travel at speeds of about 7000 miles per hour. The GPS system was originally intended for military use only, but during the 1980s the government decided to allow civilian use. The satellites make a complete orbit around the earth every 24 hours, and are spaced equal distances from each other.

Now that we have covered most of the equipment information, lets talk about what a GPS can do, and why we have such technology. The GPS system allows for satellite tracking of just about anything to which you can attach a tracker. The GPS system is accurate to within about 15 meters from anywhere on earth. This is some amazing technology, yet it is still relatively new to the average consumer.

The trick in the operation of this system is the tracking of the signal, with formulas thrown in to account for the delay in the transmission of the signal, and atmospheric changes. Since there are other satellites available to provide a sort of numbers game for the GPS, a pretty definite location can be determined using the GPS.

What other pieces of information can be gleaned from the use of the GPS? Other pieces of information like speed, bearing, track, trip distance, distance to destination, sunrise and sunset. Thats a pretty amazing piece of work, how did this GPS come to be in existence?

The Department of Defense originally commissioned the work for a military purpose only. But during the 1980s it was decided that the consumer and commercial industry would benefit greatly, and there was little or no security issues for the military. The military and civilians alike use two low frequency channels for signal communication. The civilian GPS transmits on L1 at a frequency of 1575 MHz. Most of the signal travel by sight, but will not transmit through solid buildings or structures.

In order to relate this to something the average consumer will understand and appreciate, OnStar, the communication system that now comes in many of the automobiles we buy, utilizes technology like this in order to determine your location in emergency situations. We dont often stop to think about the GPS system and the benefits provided to us, until our car wont start and we push the OnStar button... and this nice voice says, 'This is OnStar, how can we help you?'

About The Author

To learn more about GPS visit his site Accurate GPS at

People into outdoors activities will appreciate handheld units, such as the Garmin iQue 3600, because they go right from the dashboard and into a pocket, offering guidance for hikers, bikers, and boaters. However, driving with a handheld is difficult because the unit will either slide all over the dashboard or get propped up in a cup holder. And it's best to have a passenger along to operate it because the small interface is difficult to use while driving. A 12-volt adapter is useful for keeping the batteries from draining during long drives.
Get a great new GPS adapter

How to capture screenshots on a TomTom GPS:
* Using your PC, create a folder named screen
* Create an empty text file (using notepad or something similar) called capture.txt
* Rename the txt file, erasing the .txt extension, so the new name will be capture
* Copy screen folder and its content in main root
* Touch the screen near the zoom in zone (+), it will create a screen capture file, complete with camera shutter sound effect
* You can view the capture, saved in \screen folder as dumpxxxx.bmp
Get a great new Explorist GPS

Lots of interesting articles from today's PC World. First up, Microsoft Takes on MapQuest: "MSN launches MapPoint online mapping service, offering maps, directions, and more."

Apparently this is going to be yet another component of MS' push for .Net services with hooks into other MSN services. MapPoint is XML-based, which makes it interesting in other ways, and there it launches with a phone-based direction service. The articles notes that this is another step towards location-based services. "For example, you might someday be able to click on a Windows Messenger buddy's name and retrieve a map showing the location of his or her home."

Good or bad? You make the call. I like parts of this, but I'm incredibly wary of .Net.

Global Positioning Systems offer everything from hole overviews to Internet access "Shortgrass Technologies' Internet-based sports information system and financial ticker enables golfers to check college football scores on a Saturday afternoon or the price of stocks any weekday. Global positioning systems can track golf cars no matter where they are on the course, thus discovering bottlenecks and slower play. Golfers can order beverages and food en route to the turn, so golf clubs can offer more than a quick hot dog - a higher priced chicken sandwich, for instance...."

I always thought that GPS would go mainstream in automobiles first, and in a way I suppose it has, but maybe golfers will lead the real charge. I could have used a portable, library-centered GPS system myself to navigate the Chicago Public Library's Harold Washington Library when I was there last fall!



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